Good morning. Well, I had great hopes of posting audio blogs all weekend, but for some bizarre reason the blog access number did not work, so no audio blogs. (I don't think you can blame the user for this one!) Nothing really that riveting happened: no storms, no injuries, no accidental warping of the ship's hull, etc. It was just a lovely weekend, worth mentioning quickly and simply.
We left Baltimore in the early afternoon without event. Still cursed with the triple H's (as we are today, too), the breeze on the water was refreshing. The water was filled with pleasure craft, but none so special and unique as the Wendy B -- I do acknowledge the allure of an old, sweet tug! Whenever we tie up we have people waiting for us with questions, hoping to be asked on board. Anyways, we chugged down the Chesapeake and anchored out in the Eastern Bay at night, about 1 mile offshore. It was beautiful -- once we did all of our little chores, like trying to figure out how to turn on the anchor lights (we gave up), we sat on the back deck and looked up at the stars. No light pollution, few clouds, and an infinite expanse of mystery. It was so lovely it made my heart ache.
Sunday was equally uneventful and lovely. We pulled anchor at 6 am (why do they always insist on waking up so
bloody early????) and made it to our destination to the boatyard in Cambridge, MD, about four hours ahead of schedule. Home by 7 pm. Wonderful.
I am a little overwhelmed at work at the moment, so this is going to be it for now... I'll let you know when our next adventure will be. If she's going to have body work done in Cambridge, we probably won't bring her back until early August, but things may change.