Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Wendy B to Baltimore

On Friday morning Laurence and I will head up to NYC to prepare for the second leg of Wendy B's lengthy journey to Washington, DC. The first leg - Toronto to NYC - was filled with surprises: an exploding and horribly stinking head; non-functioning water pumps (and sad brown water when the water pump actually worked); a few bumps, bangs, and bruises (both the crew and the boat); and plenty of interpersonal drama. I could write a novel based on the 20 hours on Lake Ontario alone!

Our crew will consist of six people: Laurence, captain and galley slave's squeeze; me, galley slave; Gene, crew; Gene's currently nameless son, crew; Rick, galley slave's dad and crew; and Scott, crew. More anon... I really must get to work.

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