We have all these great photos of Hawai'i, but they're still trapped on Laurence's computer, so here's another one of Kabul. Bomb damage. Realidad.
In three weeks from right now -- this very moment -- I will be married. Well, we might be collapsed in a heap of snoring at this moment in time, too, but we will be married. I'm reacting to this right now by doing spring cleaning closet purges, overeating almonds, and watching bad movies. (Or movies I've seen at least four times already because I lived in Bangladesh and had limited access to films I really wanted to see.) Tomorrow is Sunday and perhaps I'll be productive -- I had planned to go and work on the boat to surprise Laurence, but it poured today and dropped about 20', so no work. Perhaps tomorrow... Or perhaps more movies!
Spring has almost sprung. The cherry blossoms have been stripped by stong winds and storms; the leaves on the trees across the street have popped out completely, hiding the attic windows. If only we didn't have so much traffic on the street; it would be so lovely! We can hear the gibbons at the zoo in the morning and the sounds of wildness, mixed with mad mariachi from the predominantly Latino complex next door, makes for a wondrous noise.
Must go and pour through Martha Stewart's finally updated wedding site for inspiration, tinged with a wee bit of depression. These wedding magazines and websites make me blue. Perhaps there's a website out there for fat brides? Fat, cheap brides? (Or, to be PC, I could say "economical brides of size". Still the same thing!)
Three weeks!
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