Friday, August 17, 2007

10:33 PM, Channel Inn, ready to go!

This has been the LONGEST departure ever -- we've known for months that we're going to Haiti, I quit my job in March to study French, we've been buying bits and pieces since January -- let's leave already! Finally, the date is here: Saturday, August 18. And, as luck would have it, Hurricane Dean is making a bit of a mess in the Caribbean right now. However, as a friend and I discussed at dinner tonight, if the hurricane was named "Delilah" we would be worried, but Dean? Dean's an old friend who comes over for dinner and drinks a few Budweisers and gets all sentimental about old girlfriends. Anyways, American Airlines has a policy of not remaining in situ in Haiti overnight, so if AA can't fly, they won't fly. 'nuff said.

Sleepy. It's been a long week of stowing things on the boat... Now for the next big adventure.

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