Thursday, August 23, 2007

jeudi, apres-midi, je suis... choissisez-vous!

Thursday afternoon and I am... you choose! I didn't wash the veggies long enough in the h20/clorox mixture last night, so... We have dinner plans tonight, so suppression through Immodium is the law of the land and then we'll let the dams break through, if needed. Ah, the joy!

So, today is a non-day here in Pacot for me. I visited the US Embassy this morning, stopped by at "Twin Market" to buy things for breakfast, and then came home and waited for the satellite guys to install our new modem! (We've been holed up in the bedroom using some free wireless that's floating in the ether up there... Marvelous, but it means that I'm in the bedroom all day working on my current consultancy, which makes me feel somewhat claustrophobic. Now I'm downstairs in the living area next to the kitchen, facing the window and having the sun pour on me. Lovely.) Dinner later tonight at Coast Guard Jim's, then home for bed at an early hour as it's early to rise here in Haiti.

I found out there is an English lending library called the "Colony Club" (yikes!) that one can pay annual fees to use. There's a Friday book/happy hour, which sounds delightful. We shall see. I found something on the web that's like Netflix for books, but the search engine is difficult and the books seem rather like a bunch of best-sellers. There's something about books: you can buy music on-line easily, or movies, but one -- I -- needs to hold a book, flip through it to make sure the pages yield to your hand, skim a few pages to make sure the potential for escape is real. I am a huge escapist reader: I seldom read non-fiction, but enjoy it when I do. But I like fiction: I love stepping out of my world, even when my world is out of this world.

Perhaps I shall just give up for today and eat some pineapple and read some more MFK Fisher. Sounds good to me.

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