Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Julee's first post

I am not a techie-type person.

I have never done this before.

I don't know what has compelled me to try blogging, other than my need to procrastinate on budget analysis.

But I shall go forth and be fabulous.


Anonymous said...

Oh my god, you are too cool, Julee!
First, I can't believe you're blogging, and second, I can't believe you are floating around the eastern seaboard on a tugboat, and three, I can't believe your boyfriend and dad get along so well that they are willing to tugboat together! You ARE fantabulous, woman. Keep us posted! Laurie B

Julee said...

Laurie! You're my first respondent! Yay! I'll write you an e-mail later in the day!

Ciao, bella!
Julee (effusively)